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No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1924)
No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1925)
No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1926)
No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1927-1930)
No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1928-1929)
Lionel No. 256 Electric Locomotives
General Information
The Lionel No. 256 Electric Locomotive was introduced in 1924 and was issued through 1930. This 0-4-4-0 Electric Locomotive was one of three box cab electric locomotives issued by Lionel during the Classic Period. The No. 256 Locomotive resembles the B&M Hoosac Tunnel-type and the New York Central T1b locomotives. The No. 256 was the largest of the electric locomotives issued by Lionel during the Classic Period and was the only locomotive in this period to have two motors. This locomotive was only included as a component of a passenger set combined with the Nos. 710, 710, and 712 passenger cars. It was not issued with any cataloged freight sets. The No. 256 Locomotive is not known to have been included in any uncataloged or “Special” sets.
The No. 256 Electric Locomotive measures 11 1/2-inches in length. All have two headlights located on the roof at the ends of the locomotive. The headlights are directional and are only illuminated corresponding to the direction of travel. The No. 256 Locomotive had a manual reverse which was controlled by a lever through the body. The lever was attached to a sliding metal strip that made contact with the manual reversing unit connected to both motors. The No. 256 Locomotive was never issued with a remotely operated reverse.
Variations of the No. 256 Electric Locomotives include the evolution of the drive wheels from spoked to disc, a single fixed pantograph to two operating brass pantographs, and the headlights from celluloid insert to cast. Other notable variations include the transition of the “Lionel” and “256” markings from rubber stamped to brass plates and brass versus painted green window inserts. All of the No. 256 Locomotives had orange bodies, black frames, and nickel journals.
Lionel No. 256 Electric Locomotives descriptive index
No. 1 No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1924). Locomotive had Standard Gauge headlights with celluloid inserts, brass window inserts, and spoked drive wheels. This locomotive also had a single nickel pantograph and a single nickel whistle. “Lionel” and “256” rubber stamped with outline.
No. 2 No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1925). Locomotive had Standard Gauge headlights with celluloid inserts, brass window inserts, and spoked drive wheels. This locomotive also had a single nickel pantograph and a single nickel whistle. “Lionel” and “256” rubber stamped with no outline.
No. 3 No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1926). Locomotive had cast headlights, brass window inserts, and spoked drive wheels. This locomotive also had a single brass pantograph and a single brass whistle. “Lionel” and “256” rubber stamped with no outline.
No. 4 No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1927-1930). Locomotive had cast headlights, green window inserts, and disc drive wheels. This locomotive also had two operational brass pantographs and two brass whistles. “Lionel” and “256” etched on a brass plate with no outline.
No. 5 No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1928-1929). Locomotive had cast headlights, green window inserts, and disc drive wheels. This locomotive also had two operational brass pantographs and two brass whistles. “Lionel” and “256” etched on a brass plate with a double outline.
No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1924)
No. 1 No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1924). Locomotive had Standard Gauge headlights with celluloid inserts, brass window inserts, and spoked drive wheels. This locomotive also had a single nickel pantograph and a single nickel whistle. “Lionel” and “256” rubber stamped with outline.
No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1925)

No. 2 No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1925). Locomotive had Standard Gauge headlights with celluloid inserts, brass window inserts, and spoked drive wheels. This locomotive also had a single nickel pantograph and a single nickel whistle. “Lionel” and “256” rubber stamped with no outline.

No. 3 No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1926). Locomotive had cast headlights, brass window inserts, and spoked drive wheels. This locomotive also had a single brass pantograph and a single brass whistle. “Lionel” and “256” rubber stamped with no outline.

No. 4 No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1927-1930). Locomotive had cast headlights, green window inserts, and disc drive wheels. This locomotive also had two operational brass pantographs and two brass whistles. “Lionel” and “256” etched on a brass plate with no outline.

No. 5 No. 256 Electric Locomotive in orange (1928-1929). Locomotive had cast headlights, green window inserts, and disc drive wheels. This locomotive also had two operational brass pantographs and two brass whistles. “Lionel” and “256” etched on a brass plate with a double outline.